Why choose Ken Drake Photography?
Here are 6 reasons pet parents trust us with the most beloved animals in their life:
1. You want to remember ALL of your pet’s lovable, funny, and trademark expressions - not just whatever they happen to do on the day.
(...even if your pet is a little shy or totally crazy, or a complete goof ball, or never sits still, or is totally uncontrollable)!
Before we meet for our photo shoot, we’ll get acquainted. We want to hear everything you love about your pet. Tell us about their goofy smile, their soulful stare, the pleading “but can’t we play right now?” face. And that head tilt!
You might have tried to snap those moments at home with your phone, and noticed that it’s not easy - especially since you can’t predict it. So you may wonder how your fur-kid will react to a studio, or how we could possibly catch every adorable quirk when it seems so spontaneous. How can we get the expressions they usually only make at home?
First, Ken sets up the studio especially for your pet. This is why our opening conversation is so important - Ken brings in items to recreate games and comforts your pet loves, from balls to beds to blankets. He also takes special care to eliminate distractions or add coziness depending on what your pet likes.
When your fur-kid arrives, you might spot Ken just sitting on the floor, waiting quietly for them to explore the studio and gain confidence. Some pets come right up to him, others need to suss out what kind of a place this is first before agreeing to meet Ken. He simply lets them explore, communicating friendliness and patience through body language.
Ken has more than a decade of experience photographing over 10,000 animal and - and only animals. Pet Photography isn’t a side gig he squeezes in between weddings and landscapes. With that deep well of experience, he knows how to set every type of personality at ease and communicate without words. He knows how to let your fur-kid lead the way, while guiding them through different activities that bring out the exact expressions you told us about.
Whether your pet is shy, rowdy, untrained, or stubborn, none of these will faze him - and in fact Ken will just use their personality to improve the photos. Don’t be concerned if he asks your pet to sit and they don’t - he is probably just trying to capture that little mischievous, sassy look you know (and secretly love) so well.
Past clients have exclaimed that they can’t believe how well their pet did in the session. Most people aren’t even aware of everything Ken is doing to make sure their pet is having a great time, bringing out different beautiful emotions. Everything he does has a purpose, though. The results are crisp, beautiful images that show a variety of all your favorite faces and actions.
By the way - if you have a fellow pet parent, we will want to speak with both of you. Just like mums and dads may have different relationships with their human children, we find the same with pet children. One of you might hope for a hero shot of them leaping for a ball, the other might want to remember that sweet face of contentment when she settles at your feet. You don’t have to pick one style, or cross your fingers that they happen do that one thing during the session. Ken will use his expertise to work with your pet and ensure that everyone in the family sees their favourite moments reflected.
2. We create award-winning art images to you, with a hug.
You’ll see the evidence on our site: Ken is one of the most professionally-honoured pet photographers in Australia. Ken has taken home over 150 professional photography awards including winning outright some of the biggest international photography competitions in the world.
Yet the award images come from everyday client work. We don’t set up special art shoots with special model dogs to create submissions that meet exacting competition standards. We don’t have time for that - because every single shoot on our books is a special art shoot with a special pet! We set the same exacting standards for everyone who comes through our door. And the results are clear. (This is Beck speaking here: Hand on heart, no one knows more about creating art with your pet in a studio than Ken.)
Despite our intense dedication to what we do, you’ll find yourself quite relaxed around us. Ken may have his shoes off while he photographs your pet. Beck is a hugger. And Harold, who you’ll meet when you come in to view your images, is our furry snorer. You’ll feel completely embraced and taken care of at every interaction.
3. You want a photo session that is fun for you and your pet - not worrying or stressful. It’s doesn’t have to be perfect for us to capture special moments!
You and your pet will feel at ease, and we take our time. We never rush a session and each photo shoot can last around two hours. This give your pets gives plenty of room for sniffed introductions and gaining confidence in new surroundings. Ken won’t even pick up a camera until he sees that your pet is ready.
The studio location has been selected with pets in mind. There’s no need to worry about them breaking things - the space is safe for them. Besides, if something broke, it’s the job of our insurance to take care of it, not yours. (Ken would like to note that he has knocked over far more things in his career than his subjects ever have, so don’t worry.) If your dog wants to sniff a camera, that’s nothing to be concerned with.
And we’ll go ahead and mention this now so you don’t feel awkward - it’s no big deal if your pet accidentally wees or poops in the studio. It happens, we’re pet parents too, and we have cleanup items on hand.
We’ve said it before, but truly: Your pet does not need to be trained to have a successful session. A huge number of our fur-clients aren’t. We set up the space just for them and what you tell us their needs are, hiding distractions or adding familiar comforts where needed. Ken’s long experience ensures they’ll feel comfortable and that you’ll get even more than what you’re hoping for.
4. You want motivation to have photos made now, because there’s always a temptation to “do this later.”
We are pet parents too. We would do anything to keep our fur-kids happy and healthy - just like you. Their lives are so intertwined with ours that we don’t even want to imagine them not being here with us.
We’ve been pet owners our entire lives, though. So we are aware that while human children usually outlive you, with fur kids it’s the opposite. We choose this life understanding that they won’t be with us forever, but that’s a beautiful sadness. A reason to love and enjoy every snuggle, every lick, every walk. One thing we weave into our work is enormous empathy for the day when there is no more barking at the door, but you deeply want to remember - in precise detail - all that you loved about them.
Please don’t wait. We have had more than one client who waited to call us, and then unexpectedly lost a fur-kid. They were devastated, and when they were ready to adopt a new family member, they brought them in immediately to not repeat the mistake. If you’re thinking of having photos created, please dial us up now and get started. You will not regret it.
“Dearest Romeo - one day the Red Emperor, the one who feeds you his scraps and lays in your bed, will ask us where you are and we won’t know what to say….
We’ll ache for your sounds and your smell and your mess and will be lost without it to fill our days. We’ll look for you and miss you, then smile, not left us at all. There you are in brilliant color, watching us with your Staffordshire grin, from the walls we live within.” - Pawtraits Book 2017
5. You want a gorgeous home - where some of your best wall art just so happens to be of your fur-kids.
Occasionally we hear someone wonder “What will people think if I have big photos of my pets on the walls?”
We’re hearing this less often these days, but our answer is twofold. First, no one blinks twice at having large images of children or family members on the wall. Since pets are dear members of our family, as beloved as any other, it’s not unusual or odd to include them. A home’s art is an expression of the loves and priorities of those who live in it, and pets are absolutely central to our lives and our clients’ lives.
Second, most pet lovers would have no problem going to a home store and buying animal-related art for their walls. We also provide high-quality artwork - it just happens to be original to you. Featuring your fur-kid. The quality of photographs that Ken produces is second to none, and Beck’s design experience ensures that the final art pieces flow beautifully with your space. Whether your home is large or cozy, formal or relaxed and covered with dog hair, she can help you choose the right piece for the right space. The result will make you catch your breath when you see it - and the only thing your guests are liable to think is “Wow...who made that?”
6. You care about animal welfare, and want to build relationships with others who do, too.
Members of our furry family come from rescue charities (maybe yours too). Without key support at the right times, our loved ones would not be with us today. We truly believe all animals have unique personalities and that they all deserve loving care. So, from the beginning of our business, we have taken action to help.
Over the years we have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for various animal welfare charities, money that has saved and transformed many many lives. We have published books and calendars with proceeds going to charity, and photographed thousands of pups on Santa’s knee. We don’t just talk it, we live it. We are passionate about it. We are proud of it.

Ready to get acquainted?
We have created thousands of lifelong memories for clients. What will yours be?